News & Announcements

LMI Special

LMI Special

Reduced Rates for LMI Communities Luxury Mortgage is reducing rates by .125 basis points for borrowers in Low-to-Moderate Income ("LMI")...

Something Great is Happening at LMC

Something Great is Happening at LMC

Something Great is Happening at LMC Great things are happening at LMC. Stay tuned for the biggest news yet! Stay tuned for the big announcement....

Simple Access Purchase Special

Simple Access Purchase Special

Purchase Special*Purchase Special* All Non-QM loans locked in March meeting the below criteriawill receive a 25 bps price improvement:Min 700 FICO ...

Simple Access® Pricing Updates

Simple Access® Pricing Updates

A home run with Simple Access® pricing updates We’ve made even more Simple Access® pricing updates so you can hit a home run for your clients this...

Simple Access Pricing Update

Simple Access Pricing Update

Simple Access Pricing UpdateSimple Access Pricing Announcement By now you shouldn’t be shocked that Luxury Mortgage has made pricing updates to our...

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